Saturday, September 18, 2010

TheTrue Meaning

Different countries have different holidays.
But there is one thing all holidays
around the globe have in common...
A celebration of their lives and culture.
Did it ever cross your mind as to how we measure up?

Let's start with the "Mother of all Holidays"...
Christmas, which is totally over rated in the USA.
AND misrepresented to our children.
What started out centuries ago
as a celebration of the birth of Christ,
has turned into a major
marketing blitz of gifts, decorations, and commercialism.
The day dawns, and it's December 25Th.
Don't many of us spend money we don't have,
for our anxious children, and expectant families?
Yet so many in the world do without the basics,
food, shelter, clothes.

Commercialism... on your front yard in the form of
Snow globes, Snoopy adorned in a Santa hat,
and the ever popular Reindeer.
They don't have reindeer in Bethlehem...
So obviously they weren't there when Christ was born.
"Santa" brought them into the Christmas theme.

Look up Saint Nicholas in your book of saints,
or Father Christmas in your history books.
Then Google Thomas Nast,
Who was responsible for giving Santa his red suit.
A refresher course on the true meaning of Christmas.

I do remember giving gifts that were sewn by hand,
Christmas only recipes given to neighbors,
and Carols sung as chores were done, and cookies baked.
Christmas cards were a staple of our holiday decor.
What happened to the tradition of
placing the manger in the creche on Christmas morning?
Heading off to Mass dressed in our very best;
Starched dresses, frilly socks and shiny shoes.

Church. It smelled of joy.
Poinsettias. Candles, and the smell of pine filled the air,
The tree of angels naming those who had left us.
Oh, and how wonderful the choir's voices rang out.
Silent Night, Hark the Herald Angels Sing,
and Away in a Manger.
Then it was back to home for family and feast,
Laughter and songs, telling of stories.
and the exchange of the simple gifts.

I once read in a magazine years ago,
that posed an interesting question to parents.
" Is it not possible that our children,
would find at least as much pleasure in receiving a gift,
if they knew that parents were responsible for Christmas,
and not a supernatural stranger?'

I do not claim to "Not Guilty"
when it comes to over doing the Holidays.
But thinking about it now gives me time to
reflect on the recent past, my childhood
and the holidays yet to come.
Serenity, prayer and preparation,
and celebrating the true meaning of Christmas,
just seems like a much better way to go.
God tells us it is never to late
to welcome change into our lives.
Getting a head start now is a great idea,
Then I can throw out all the catalogs,
Mute the TV during the Christmas commercials,
and avoid the aisles already displaying Holiday decor.

1 comment:

  1. Beautifully said! A great reminder to us all, as well. Thanks!
